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Ex-ante Learning Externalities in Chinese Cities: Theory and Evidence

2021年03月17日 殷润 点击:[]

时间Mar, 19th, 2021(Friday)  4:15 pm

地点Room211, Shuishang Teaching Building

主题Ex-ante Learning Externalities in Chinese Cities: Theory and Evidence

主讲人Yaqin (Joyce) Su


The important role of city in generating learning spillovers has been widely emphasized by the literature, yet the empirical evidence on the exact mechanism through which knowledge spillovers percolate remains largely elusive. This study focuses on examining whether learning externality is partly an intended outcome stemming from workers’ self-selecting behaviors in locational choices. Within a conventional random utility framework, we examine whether the attracting effect of being in close proximity to other smart people is amplified by a city’s average human capital for high-skilled job seekers. We find robust evidence that skilled workers sort themselves into skilled cities to benefit from learning spillovers, meaning that the opportunity offered by a city to interact with other skilled people plays a crucial role in determining the preferred workplace of the high-skill workers before they find a job. Further, our results show that, ex ante, diversity and peering learning opportunities are among the primary forms of learning spillovers from which job seekers intend to benefit, whereas a negative Marshallian-type externality signals the dominance of peer competition effect at the time city choices are made by job seekers.


苏亚琴,湖南大学经济管理研究中心副教授,纽约州立大学布法罗分校经济学博士。2010―2014年担任布法罗大学讲师,承担计量经济学研究生和货币银行学的本科生教学,并在美国联邦储备银行纽约分行兼职,从事数据分析和区域经济研究。苏亚琴老师一直从事人力资本、城市和区域经济学、教育经济学领域的研究。目前研究成果发表在Regional Science and Urban Economics, China Economic Review, Applied Economics Letters, International Regional Science Review, International Migration等国际主流期刊


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