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Job Advertisement for Inst. of Finance at CEFMS, Hunan University

2015年10月30日  点击:[]

Job Advertisement for Inst. of Finance at CEFMS, Hunan University

Job Title: Assistant Professor of Finance (Full-time, tenure track)
Employer Name: Inst. of Finance, CEFMS, Hunan University
Employer Website URL
Salary Competitive
Working Hours Low teaching load
Location Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
Full Job Description** Position Summary:

Subject to budget approval, the Institute of Finance at the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) at Hunan University (China) seeks to hire multiple full-time, tenure track faculty members at assistant professor level, to begin in the fall semester of 2016. Applicants with research interests in any finance field are invited to apply. Duties will include teaching graduate courses in finance areas such as corporate risk management, management of financial institutions, investments, corporate finance, derivatives securities, fixed income securities, and etc., advising graduate students in their thesis work, engaging in research leading to publications in the SSCI journals of the field, and taking part in services and professional development activities. Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in finance or closely related fields. Applicants must earn a PhD degree by August 2016. Compensation is competitive and includes research support and a housing subsidy. All courses are taught in English. We will conduct interviews at the 2016 AFA meeting in San Francisco. About the CEFMS: The Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) at Hunan University is situated at the foot of the picturesque Yuelu Mountain. The center was established in 2013 as a “special international platform” to attract talents from around the world to conduct frontier research, and to provide students with rigorous graduate training. The CEFMS is a college equivalent entity. It independently admits Master’s and Doctoral students and offers positions for post-doctoral fellows. The curriculum is similar to graduate programs in Research I universities in the United States, and the teaching language is English. The CEFMS consists of three institutes: Economics Institute, Finance Institute and Management Science Institute. The first two institutes have been in operation since 2013. The faculty of the CEFMS consists of special-term faculty and full-time faculty, each of them with a doctoral degree from the United States. All special-term professors are senior faculty members in major universities in the US. They participate in not only teaching and research but also administration and junior-faculty mentoring at the CEFMS. Currently, the CEFMS has a team of 10 special-term faculty members, 4 full-time faculty members and more than 60 graduate students. In its steady-state, the CEFMS plans to have 20-30 full-time faculty, all with doctoral degrees from major overseas institutions, 5-10 post-doctoral fellows, 15-30 doctoral students and 90-150 Master’s students. The Center adopts international norms in its research, teaching and daily operations. Selected by the board of Asian Finance Association, CEFMS at Hunan University successfully hosted the Asian Finance Association 2015 annual meeting in Changsha, China during June 29 to July 1, 2015. Dr. Robert Merton and Dr. Randall Morck delivered keynote speeches.
About Hunan University: Hunan University is located at the foot of the picturesque Yuelu Mountain and on the west bank of Xiangjiang River in the historically and culturally renowned City of Changsha, capital of Hunan Province. The University enjoys the title of an "A Thousand-year Academy and a Famous Centennial University". As one of the key and most comprehensive universities under direct administration of the Ministry of Education, it has been included in the highly selective national "Project 211" and "Project 985" for priority investment and development.
Hunan University is close to many unique natural scenery and places of cultural and historical interest such as Yuelu Mountain, Xiangjiang River, the Yuelu Academy, Aiwan Pavilion, and etc.
About City of Changsha: Changsha is the capital city of Hunan Province. Known as "Land of Rice and Fish," Changsha's outstanding natural endowment such as green mountains, clean air and water has offered her residents a pleasant living environment. The history of the city dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC) and Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). As the center of Huxiang Culture, Changsha has been named China's "excellent tourist city." Changsha has relatively inexpensive real estate price compared to other major cities in China. The city is located on the high-speed train line from Beijing to Shenzhen and its newly constructed Huanghua international airport offers easy connections with major international destinations. More information about the CEFMS is available at If you have questions about the position, please contact Prof. Huang at Application Instruction:

Applicants should send 1) cover letter, 2) detailed curriculum vitae, 3) three letters of recommendation (sent directly by the person who will write the letter), 4) sample research papers, 5) teaching evaluations if available, to the following email address:
Application Deadline December 15, 2015
Interview Date 2016 AFA meeting in San Francisco
Contact Name Miss Huan Liu
Contact Email, or
Contact Phone 86-731-88684822

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