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2021年01月19日  点击:[]



On January 4th, the term paper oral defense meeting for second year graduate students of Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) was held in classroom 211 and 213, Shuishang Teaching Building. The defense meeting was hosted by full time professor Si Wang, Zhicheng Li etc.

According to the policy of CEFMS, second year graduate students should complete their term papers in the fall semester under the guidance of their tutors and the defense meeting will be held at the end of the semester. The aim of the term paper policy is to help the students get into research status and prepare for their graduation thesis. Students can revise their papers following the committee’s advices and expand their paper to graduation thesis.

上一条:经济学博士生熊咸芳顺利通过毕业论文答辩 下一条:经济管理研究中心年度海外教师招聘工作顺利举行
