Promoting Women's Leadership Development with Gender Differences:
Two Experimental Studies

王湘红,中国人民大学经济学院教授。经济行为与组织实验室主任,英文期刊Economic and Political Studies副主编。获美国卡耐基梅隆大学公共政策与管理博士学位,北京交通大学机械工程学士学位、英语学士学位。世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)专家,全球程序理事会第一届行为分会委员;中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)秘书长。
主要研究兴趣包括行为和实验经济学,公共政策,收入分配,女性发展、消费行为。研究成果曾发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Studies,Feminist Economics和《世界经济》《金融研究》 等学术刊物上,并多次获得优秀论文奖, 出版了《行为与实验经济学》教材,主持过多项国家自然科学基金项目。
Women are underrepresented globally in leadership positions. China's female higher education level is ranked the best, while the proportion of female leaders ranks in the bottom 20%. Our empirical research shows that traditional gender attitudes can discourage women from entering leadership positions. In this study, we use nudge methods to enhance women's leadership. In experiment 1, leaders in a public goods game can increase team contribution by punishing low contributors of group members. We examine the gender differences in the responsibility and power framework of leaders' tasks on leader selection and leadership effectiveness. The leader's task is emphasized as towards either power or responsibility (framing effect), and the emergence of group leaders is determined by the individual's willingness or the number of votes. The results show that women's showed lower willingness to lead and received fewer votes than men, but women leaders were more effective than male leaders in tasks that emphasized responsibility: they were more likely to lead by example and contribute more to public goods. Thus, where the leader's task emphasizes responsibility, women leaders can facilitate the group to provide public goods and thus improve overall welfare. Experiment 2 examines how personal aptitude and willingness to lead affect the emergence of leaders through laboratory experiments. The experimental processing is whether the candidate's information involves the willingness to lead (WTL) and whether the leadership task emphasizes competence or the prosocial nature of the leader. When the choice does not involve the WTL, the votes of women increase. When a leader's task requires self-sacrifice for the welfare of the group, the WTL decreases for men and remains the same for women. The performance of male leaders does not change with information, and female leaders with WTL perform better than their peers. Based on the study of the behavioral nudge of women's leadership development, we propose policies to help women break through the secondary career ceiling under the gender differences in the life cycle.